Remember to share your thoughts below. So we need some denim, right? And I was thinking of something really shaped – but still a bit oversized over shoulders and sleeves, allowing a lot of movement for the owner. So here’s the beginning! Pinned in the shape I’m going for, using our men’s athletic denim jacket…
Tag: 9-2019
Back of front knot top
Remember to share your thoughts below. And here’s the back of No. 9-2019. It’s more transparent in the back than in the front, which can be rather practical. (To be less transparent in the front, that is.) 😊
Sheer elegance !
Remember to share your thoughts below. Disco! Fun! Black beauty… Yes! 🌷🍀🌸 Kind of reminds me of my youth in the 1970’s… 🕺
Sheer stitching
Remember to share your thoughts below. Well… sometimes is, what you’re stitching together almost “nothing” – but ends up being something! That’s rather cool. And, a bit difficult. Back to the Work Room.
Knot top try-out
Remember to share your thoughts below. Trying something else! Let’s go 1970’s! It will be a hit-or-miss thingy… ☺️ Back to the Work Room.