Tools of achievements

The evening before, he had been roaming his own tailoring studio trying to find his old camera. The Polaroid one. He especially liked that one because it gave him that instant view of things, and also the ability to make his notes on them right there. So practical! But… apparently hard to find.

It was often like that. Difficult to find things. In the mix of the hundreds of little bits and pieces that made up the very heart of the tailoring studio, things got lost. Almost… Because they could of course always be found again – it just took time. Time that maybe could have been used otherwise. But, he found it. Placed in a large box with embroidery tools and a odd mix of shears that was ment to be sharpened. “How did it get in here…?” Well, no use in speculating about that… It was found. He was pleased.

So that was set. Images. With the camera. For the documentation. But what about text then? Of course he could make some notes right on the Polaroids, but that wasn’t enough. Or was it? “You probably need to explain more, if you want to be serious.” he thought. “Lists, references and stuff…” He actually had no idea of how to go about a serious research project, since he had spent most of his life sewing – as tailors usually do – but he had picked up that there should be a certain set of rules, to make it just the slightest academic, or just plain acceptable at least.

“The typewriter!” He just remembered that he had an old typewriter stacked away in his archive room. (Well, it was more of a storage room for fabrics and slopers, but anyway…) “That will be great! My second tool of achievement!” The feeling of checking boxes pleased him. It felt less complicated than the actual writing probably would be. To just plan, how to do it, before you actually did it. Planning was always easier…

He found the dusty typewriter and tested it. It still worked! He started on a new list. ‘Main focus areas in the art of tailoring.’

“There! It’s a good start. Let’s test the camera tomorrow.” He went back to the neverending work of making those bespoke suits. Again, there was new deadline looming. And he was dedicated not to miss it.

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Nikoletta Kovacs
Nikoletta Kovacs
5 years ago

It’s so complicated how the art of tailoring comes together as a trade,business, hobby, life goal and an essence of science.

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